Friday Funnies


Spring time is here! Hope you all enjoy the first weekend of Spring! Just to make sure - here's a laugh or two to get you in the mood. Have a good one.....

A fellow went to confession and proceeded with the "Bless me father for I have sinned" dialogue. He told the priest that he had used the "F" word the previous weekend. The priest gave him his pennance and told him to "Go with God".

The guy said that he thought he should talk about his sin a little more. The priest said, "OK, when did this happen?" The guy said he was out on the golf course and drove the ball off the tee harder that he'd ever hit it before, but suddenly the wind came up and blew it into the trees.

The priest said, "I see, that's when you used the "F" word, right?" The guy said, "No, when I got to the ball, I still had a clear shot to the green, but a squirrel quickly ran out, grabbed my ball and scampered up the tree with it". "Ahh", the priest said, "that's when you used the "F" word". "No.", the man said, "As luck would have it, a crow swooped down, grabbed the squirrel and flew towards the green. Just above the green, the squirrel dropped the ball and it rolled closer and closer towards the hole but stopped just 5 inches short". "Oh yes", the priest said, "This must have been when you used the "F" word."

"No", the man replied.

The priest yells, "DON'T TELL ME YOU MISSED THE F#@%ING PUTT",


A boss walks into his subordinates office and says, "You know that great looking receptionist at the front desk? The one with the nice behind, smooth legs and firm breasts?" The guy says, "Yeah?" The boss wants to know if, "Are you doinking her?"
He says, "No."
"Good. Then you fire her!"

Week 18

Compliments of: The H-man

Have a great weekend. See you at Happy Hour.