Guest Jokes

Two guys are hitting the links at their local golf and country club. Luckily, it's a beautiful day, and there's hardly anyone on the course, so they've been breezing through the holes. Up around the seventh tee, they spot the first people on the course other than themselves, two ladies, who from the guys' perspective, are having trouble on the green. In fact, they've each five-putted it! This is an indication that both women don't really know how to golf. The first guy says "Christ. I hope they just had a bad hole, I don't want to follow these broads for the next eleven holes!" So the second one goes, "Well, maybe I'll go talk to them, and maybe they can let us pass them. I'll be back in a sec."

So he trots off, about to go and ask to let them pass. Suddenly, about a hundred feet away from the women, he stops and spins away from them as fast as he can. When he comes back, he exclaims "Jesus! That's my wife and my lover! They're both here! Golfing together! I'm soory, amn, but I can't say anything to them. I'm liable to be killed if they saw me. How about you go ask them." So the other guy concurs, and trots off to go ask them if they can pass and get on with their game. Then he stops suddenly, spins around, and runs back to his buddy in the same manner.

Confused, he asks him when his buddy gets back, "What's wrong? What's the matter?" And his buddy replies, "Same fuckin' thing."

Sent in by: Peri Maric

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Adam Sandler